my goal is to finish this dissertation by the spring. Right now i'm feeling so overwhelmed with figuring out how i'm going to start this. I've edited and revised my 3 chapters so many times and now it's going through another iteration. i have yet to lock in a proposal defense date and collecting data to finish my last 2 chapters. all of this is on top of being a mother and wife and a full time job. I don't know how i'll get through the next 6 months but i did it the last 3 what's stopping me now.
when you start thinking about death, all you want to do is live. i want to finish this dissertation so i can do the things i've always wanted to do with Amianan and Rod when I was in class, writing, reading, studying locked up in a room somewhere at home, state or at a cafe. I will continue my scholarship after this dissertation but right now, i really want a family vacation with the 3 of us kickin it on an island, boat, little town, somewhere around this world and just do nothing. the 3 of us have gone through way too much and we deserve a little fun. i especially want to be more involved in Amianans school and interests in cooking, animals, and just being a kid. I want her to enjoy what i was able to enjoy with their parents and i don't want to be the parent that was too busy to play with her. I can already see it in Amianans actions and of course her being 2 isn't helping but she understands, she feels, she shows her emotions, and isn't afraid to let me know that she doesn't want me to put her to sleep, that she doesn't love me (ouch), that she wants to do things on her own or by's been a rough road being a student and mother at the same time but i try my best to make time for the 2 of us to learn and grow together.
rod and i also have baby fever. we walked through target *again* and saw all the baby stuff and both went, awwww..i miss that.., when i played with my nephew logan, i felt that sense of calmness, warmth, and innocence. i really want to have another baby after i finish this dissertation and i know amianan will be such a good manang.
All the plans in the what's stopping me from finishing?? Do the DAMN THING, ARLENE!
Every little boy needs a three-piece red suit
12 years ago